The uniforms in our company varies a little. The 81st Pennsylvania Company "K" merged with our Regulars Company and the coats and pants vary from soldier to soldier.
Throughout the war the Regulars received new uniforms including sack coats and sky blue pants. The veterans would only wear the more formal frock coat before a major battle. The veterans preferred to be buried in the formal coat if they fell in battle.
I experienced company formation, rifle drill, company drill, and marching.
The first battle was in a large clearing. The rebels had cannons in position to our west. We emerged from the east from the tree line and walked in formation toward the rebel line. The southern rifles opened up on our line and we returned fire. Two good union boys were hit by Minnie balls and went down crying for their mothers. The field was filled with smoke, rifle and cannon fire, and cries from the wounded.
After what seemed like a long time of returning fire by company and maneuvering around the battle field we advanced close enough for a charge on the southerns 4th Virginia infantry line.
On orders of the Captain we made a charge for the Virginia line. As we approached in a run their cannons fired and a cannon ball struck just inches from my feet. I felt a thrust from the ground and I was hurled into the air up and backwards. Everything went dark.
"Recall" was given and I woke to the cheers of the crowd. I opened my eyes, checked for holes in my body. I was not aware of the great pyrotechnics at the event and when we ventured a little to close to a "pot" and it went off right under our feet. Boom! It must have looked real to the crowd watching. Most of our company was wiped from this earth with that cannon ball.
All infantry lined up in a single line facing the crowd to the north and Mrs. Isabella recited the Gettysburg address. Then all infantry fired one final volley. That was fantastic!
During the second battle I died dramatically. After being hit by a Mine' ball in the chest I tensed up and grabbed Pvt. Edwards to my right pulled him to the ground with me. The last thing I heard before entering mortal sleep was, "Private Edwards get back in line!"
At the end of the day I looked at my calender to see how many days before the next event.